
Divine Protection

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In the past, I had heard teachings on “pleading the blood [of Jesus]” over your loved ones for healing and for God’s protection; I’d done that many times. But until I read The Blood and the Glory by Billye Brim, I’d never heard of pleading a “blood line” around your property and possessions as protection from weather-related calamities.

At supper one night, I looked out through a big bay window in our kitchen and noticed that the sky was very dark to the south. My husband checked the weather report on television, and, sure enough, there was a tornado warning for a county just south of us.

Immediately, my husband went outside and got our sons to put any machinery inside for protection. When I looked out the window again, the sky to the south was pure white. Quickly, I turned up the volume on the television and heard that “baseball-sized hail” was swiftly moving in our direction.

I decided to put God’s Word to the test. I started pleading a blood line around our farm and around my son’s farm across the road, repeating my prayer over and over.

Then I pleaded the blood of Jesus over every building, field of crops, piece of machinery, head of cattle, horse and huge pine tree. I laid my hand on my Bible and repeated the prayer.

The storm hit with hurricane force winds. Rain came down in torrents, making it impossible to see out the window. I began to declare that our window would not break and that hail would not destroy our crops because everything was covered with the blood. Then I started praising God because I knew in my spirit that it was over.

All around us, neighbors suffered damage to their homes, cars and machinery. Many windows were broken, and huge balls of hail stripped siding off houses.

But our property was completely unscathed. Both our home and our sons’ homes were safe.

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