23 Days Before Easter: The Kingdom Means Relationship With Jesus

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Shawn Akers

The Jews of Jesus' day, much like today, believed deeply in obeying the letter of God's law.

The Jews of Jesus’ day were trained to love and respect the law of God. They believed that the kingdom of God was nationalistic, and that the Messiah would establish a militaristic, political, geographical kingdom, as in the time of David.

But when Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God, Christian author and pastor Jamie Buckingham says, He spoke of the rule that He was establishing on earth. He had come to destroy Satan’s dominion by deliberating challenging Satan on his own ground. 

In other words, the kingdom of God is more than simply obeying the law, Buckingham says; it is a relationship with the Messiah. For the rest of Buckingham’s teaching, watch this video devotional: 

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