10 Tips for Optimal Health at Midlife

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by Janet Maccaro, PH.D.
At a Glance

Take digestive enzymes
Take multivitamins
Drink water
Eat natural foods

1. Make sure you are getting enough rest each day. Try to go to bed at the same time each night in order to establish a routine. Begin to wind down after dinner. If possible, take a warm bath or shower to relax and prepare you for sleep. Have a cup of caffeine-free herbal tea (valerian root can help you drift off to sleep).

2. Take digestive enzymes with each meal. I recommend digestive enzyme formulas from plant sources that contain amylase (to digest carbohydrates), lipase (to digest fats) and protease (to digest proteins). Enzyme supplementation helps to develop and maintain a proper digestive system. You can find these formulas at most health food stores.
3. Take a good multivitamin.
4. Detoxify your body twice a year (spring and fall). Many health food stores carry wonderful two-part programs that are effective and very user-friendly (Nature's Secret Ultimate Cleanse, for example).

5. Drink at least six to eight glasses of nonchlorinated water daily. Bottled is fine.
6. Antioxidants are essential. They are an important part of your anti-aging arsenal. Alpha Lipoic acid is fast becoming an anti-aging star! Green tea is rich in flavonoids that have antioxidant activity.
7. Begin some form of exercise. Walking is one of the best forms.
8. Reduce stress.
9. Eat as close to the original garden as possible.
10. Pray unceasingly.
Let's stop chasing wealth and health and simply chase God. That way we can bask in His provision in every area of our lives.

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