Can You Pass the 3 ‘Daniel Tests’?

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Leadership tests are not temporary; they are ongoing. We are being tested every day and in every way. The great thing about tests is that they always have results. These results, when they’re good, become the rewards of our leadership.

Daniel is one of the most inspiring supernatural leaders in Scripture. He really tasted, in a tangible way, the rewards of his leadership influence. He didn’t just survive Babylonian captivity; he thrived in the culture of his captors. Scripture says Daniel was 10 times better in wisdom and understanding than all the super-spiritual advisors around the king (Dan. 1:20). He didn’t just interpret dreams, but could tell you what dream you’d had (Dan. 2:26-28). Daniel didn’t compromise his relationship with God when pressed, even being willing to be thrown into a den of lions. He continued to thrive and grow in his leadership influence no matter what the cost and no matter how much the leadership around him changed. He was a true example of supernatural leadership—leadership that had an impact of more than 60 years on the political climate around him.

What was Daniel’s secret? There were three tests Daniel passed over and over, which could very well be the secret sauce to his success as a leader.

In episode 16 of the Supernatural Leadership podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network, Shawn Gabie will share what he believes Daniel’s secrets were and how they apply to us as leaders today. Not only do we see that Daniel had an excellent spirit, (Dan. 6) but he had some other defining characteristics crucial in reaping results that produce great rewards in leadership.

Maybe you are already dominating these tests that Gabie will share, or maybe you aren’t. This episode may be what you need to help push you through what’s holding you back in this next season of supernatural leadership.

You will be sure to love this episode, The 3 Tests Of Leadership, on the Supernatural Leadership podcast with Shawn Gabie. {eoa}

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