Anna McCoy

  • Whose Nature Is in You?

    Whose Nature Is in You?

    After Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, God confronted Adam with an important question: "Who told you that you were naked?" (Gen. 3:11, NKJV). He was really asking Adam, "Who have you been listening to—other than Me?"

    God wanted Adam to realize that he had allowed something other than God's word to influence him—and as a result, something other than God's nature had entered his heart.

    Adam learned an important principle: Whatever you give your attention to determines the nature that lives in and rules you. Eve gave her attention to the serpent by opening the gates of her hearing, her sight and her taste. She allowed the words of the enemy to entice and deceive her to act out of his nature—one characterized by pride, lust and disobedience.

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